Compare and Merge for Excel 365 (beta)

Compare and Merge for Excel 365 is a new app under development which is a web version of the Compare and Merge Add-In. The web app works with Office 365 OneDrive for Business and allows you to can compare ranges, tables, and lists from different workbooks (in addition to the same workbook). Compare and Merge for Excel 365 in currently in beta and is free to try and you need and Office 365 account to use the app.

Use the link below to try the app and sign in to your Office 365 account:

Compare and Merge for Excel 365 Beta

NOTE: Compare and Merge for Excel 365 is beta software for evaluation purposes only. Don't use the app with important or mission critical Excel workbooks without creating a backup copy of the workbooks first.

We would appreciate your feedback at: Compare and Merge for Excel 365 (beta) Feedback

Compare and Merge 365